Hi, just recently it’s foss had an article about homelabs. Of course I digged in, since there is a small nuc working tirelessly in the corner of my routers closet. So far it just crawls some web pages for me and sends emails accordingly to my filters. So I hoped to find new exciting stuff to let it crunch through. The articles content did not spark my interest though.
Well, I’d like to know what you are using on your homelab. In hope you’ll do something I’d like to follow. Cheers
I’m really happy to be hosting my own password manager.
Regarding baserow, I use it in a couple of ways. First is as a replacement for Google Sheets. For my use case, I only ever really used sheets as a dumb database, (home inventory, etc…) so I don’t need the spreadsheet parts of the spreadsheet much.
The other thing I use it for is a backend for my automations for data. Baserow has wonderful api documentation right in the gui, and I use that a lot with data logging for myself.