Title basically. Almost like your dreaming, but awake. It’s hard to explain. Sometimes I feel like I’m just dreaming or like I’m in the Matrix or something. The feeling tends to pass, but always leaves me feeling messed up mentally for a bit. Just curious if this is somewhat common or if I should probably get help. My wife says she experiences this too. So I feel like it’s definitely not just a me thing.

  • FMT99@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    It depends, if you’re worried better to talk to a doctor than ask random internet users. I think anyone who reflects on life can probably relate to the feeling, but there are definitely physical and mental conditions that can have this as a symptom.

    One of the things I heard (again speaking as a non-doctor internet rando) is that the time to be concerned is if it appears involuntarily and impacts your daily life. For example, you’re at work and suddenly this thought takes over, and you can not just shake it off and get back to what you were doing.