Let me confess that I didn’t actually eat this, so maybe it actually whipped ass. Once a friend ran for donuts and I asked them to pick something up for me. They came back with a donut with maple icing and bacon bits sprinkled on top.
The sight and smell were so upsetting to me that I shoved it in my purse when no one was looking and never got around to trying it.
Let me confess that I didn’t actually eat this, so maybe it actually whipped ass. Once a friend ran for donuts and I asked them to pick something up for me. They came back with a donut with maple icing and bacon bits sprinkled on top.
The sight and smell were so upsetting to me that I shoved it in my purse when no one was looking and never got around to trying it.
Maple doughnuts with bacon bits are FANTASTIC! I was leery at first, but they truly rock.
I might just have a weird aversion to meat and sweets, because I also mentioned thinking jelly on a sausage biscuit was gross once, and no one agreed.