Like i use an older version of android and every new app on fdroid works for me and keeping the main repo full of abandonware isn’t a good idea and will hold fdroid back on being a good app store . And its not like the apps are deleted or anything if someone needs them for whatever reason they can find it on archive and not everyone have to load it all when using the main repo which is better for users and those who host mirrors as most of do use the newer apps instead of abandonware and Is there a specific reason they do this ?

I asked this on their IRC but i didn’t get any reply and then i got logged out and IRC doesn’t show previous chats is there any way to get in touch with them as i think doing this will benefit everyone . I don’t have much experience using gitlab and i don’t think that is the place to discuss things like that . Also if anyone could get in touch with them about this and keep me updated that’ll be appreciated as i am trying to keep my internet accounts small and don’t wanna make a github or matrix acc solely for this so if anyone could help that’ll ve appreciated.

  • Captain
    6 months ago

    We don’t do planned obsolescence in the software freedom world. We keep old software and hardware usable way past its intended expiration date. If something is usable and does the job there’s no reason to throw it away - and, remember, since it’s free software anyone interested can fork it and bring new life to it.

    Of course, with old software and hardware there are security considerations to keep in mind - I wouldn’t use an abandoned web browser, for instance. But for any app that has no network access and no or very little attack surface there’s no harm in using it as long as it suits your needs.