
Reddit was one of the reasons Y Combinator was started. This post tells the story of how the site came to be. Despite being rejected in the first round for their food delivery app idea, Reddit’s founders were offered funding after agreeing to work on a project that would eventually become Reddit. The project was launched on a quick schedule. It had a core set of real users after just a few weeks. Reddit is now a fundamentally useful tool that seems almost unkillable.

  • 𓅂𓄿
    6 months ago

    @guts @catculation He was just in the wrong place. A free speech idealist. You can tell Reddit’s other cofounder was never anything like him, and now he’s just monstrous. I’d make a limited comparison from Aaron to “Hotwheels”, a guy who keeps making imageboards for his free speech ideology, even though he’s a communist his sites are mostly used by reactionaries. Similar to Lemmy, actually. A lot of people who use this software despise the ideology of Lemmy’s main dev.