• considine@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    Yes, he is essentially pro Western which is why the NED funded the Levada center.

    Putin had a meeting with the other candidates yesterday, by the way. I think that opposition is likely kept our of power by various means.

    Especially important if the opposition is funded by the UK and US, like Navalny’s Democratic Alternative

    Navalny’s support was at 9% nationally. A large percentage of Russians had never heard of him.

    The Russian communist party is controlled opposition, likely.

    But Putin himself doesn’t control everything. Just read Medvedev’s scathing speech criticizing him as Putin sat on the stage next to him.

    We can criticize their system and say it isn’t a fair system so that’s why Putin is popular. But let’s not pretend he isn’t popular. And let’s not forget that Putin brought Russia out of a the economic collapse of the 90s and into the fifth largest economy. People appreciate having jobs, housing and food. A lot.