I remember that it was possible at one point but now I don’t seem to be able to find the option to do so.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
And I don’t mean cancelling the membership.
I can’t find any “following” anything in my Pateron, and to the best of my understanding it’s not an option. Where do you see this?
Are you sure that you’re not on a “free member” thing that some creators have?
Yes I’m sure that I’m not on a free member tier of all these creators. There used to be a “follow” option for creators.
Edit: I just looked in the app. Apparently the website is not updated or something because when I go to memberships on the website I only see the two creators I actually pay something every month and no one else. In the app I can see every creator I “followed” in the past which got turned into a “free member” or something. But that doesn’t show on the website only in the app.
Ah, interesting. I don’t use the app at all, so that explains my confusion.
I figured it out now and added the solution to the post in case other people were wondering the same thing.
If using the app go to your notifications tab and tap the icon in the top right. This is really only for notifications of course. Everything else is in the cancelling membership part of things that you said you weren’t talking about. (Cancelling your membership on this platform is what “unfollows” a creator)
The problem with modern UI design in a nutshell…