Most adults will suffer third-degree burns if
exposed to 150 degree water for two seconds.
Burns will also occur with a six-second
exposure to 140 degree water or with a thirty
second exposure to 130 degree water. Even if
the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute
exposure could result in third-degree burns.
Tobe honest three degrees burn doesn’t sound bad. I’m looking at my protractor and as long as you aren’t far away from the tub three degrees should burn that much
Forget 75°, just 65°C (150°F) will give you third degree burns in 2 seconds:
I guess I’m long dead, lol.
Just brain dead 😅
Most adults? What happens to the others?
They will instantly explode into pure energy
Tobe honest three degrees burn doesn’t sound bad. I’m looking at my protractor and as long as you aren’t far away from the tub three degrees should burn that much