It used to be very convenient that when searching for something that had a geographic location, Google searches used to show a small map which linked to Google maps when pressed.
Now all I get i a tiny useless map, that doesn’t have any of the feature of Google maps, and often I don’t even get that.
Anyone know why that is? And if there is a fix?
I use Firefox, but I’m guessing it’s independent of browser, unless Google is up to their shenanigans again.
I’ve added Google maps as search option, which luckily is dead easy in Firefox to do. At the same time I added Open Street Map, to minimize Google map use to maybe show them they are losing traffic.

    6 months ago

    Coming back to this after a while trying out. Qwant is indeed very nice in Europe at least. I tested it and adopted it, I also like the fact it have a map based on OSM which is nicer than the spoke thing in DDG.