I’ve eOS on several of my devices: my bank app works on my phone but I had to close my revolut account because their app requires google safetynet.
Not quite, it requires Play integrity.
Safteynet seems to mostly work.
eOS is just Android, so Android apps work.
That aside, eOS has a history of being often behind on security patches and updates, so it is highly recommend to avoid it.
Are there any other Android based OS that are neither Google nor flawed?
Thanks. Does it work on a Nokia 7.2 though?
Sadly it only works on Google Pixel. I’d recommend LineageOS, but the images aren’t signed so you can’t lock the bootloader.
That also depends a lot. Often (e.g. on Fairphone) the stock ROM may lag behind way worse than e/OS.
So if a user has reasons to avoid a Pixel, or just wants to improve their privacy without replacing their device, e/OS may be a marked improvement even on security.
I’ve been on eOS for four years and I have never had a single security incident. You people love to parrot the same shit over and over
I never use seatbelt and I still haven’t been in a car accident
Just because you have not had a problem does not mean they aren’t behind on patches.
Table here web.archive.org/web/20250115203332/https://eylenburg.github.io/android_comparison.htm
I didn’t say they weren’t. I simply think that the implications for the average user often get blown out of proportion, because I’ve heard from absolutely no one who uses eOS on the forums for example that they’ve had a problem with their phones derived from that delay.
Depends on your threat model. If youre an average joe, and your threat model just want to avoid big tech and prolong your device suppport. eOS is great. People just need to have some common sense which is not installing random apk and what not.
Yes, all of the various degoogled Androids work with normal apps
Unless that app requires google play services…
Doesn’t eOS use microG or something to get around that?
I have never used eOS because they are always behind on security patches, but I had always heard it worked Ok.
It does! And you can disable microg if you want like I have.
It does but its not perfect. I love my phone, but its absolutely not for people who dont want to tinker with shit that breaks unexpectedly.
- Can I install MicroG in a different workspace and not on the main system?
- Can I install Google play if needed on said workspace?
I want to keep all apps that need Google play separate from FOSS and I want MicroG to only be present in the namespace/workspace they are in. Is this possible?
- no. Microg is baked in to try and get around the portions of google bullshit thats baked in.
- yes, I have play services running because I cannot not have android auto.
Not in /e/os far as i can see. Maybe in aosp somehow? Frankly, I am not exactly a fan of many of the decisions Murena made. They’re motherfuckers about letting me do the things I actually want in the system, for example: just update my apps, dont notify me. I do not care unless you broke or can’t update. But no, I have to dismiss every successful app update.
I really would like a version of eOS without microG baked in so I can install it in a workspace. Sucks that there’s not an easy option for that
Your frustration is understood, but I feer its misplaced. The way you phrased your response suggests you are disappointed that /e/os doesnt behave like you want, when you should actually be frustrated with google for designinjng android that way.
That’s good information. Like I said, I have not used it.
By in large there is no difference to notice, riiiiight up till you get to invisible google integrations. A lot of people wont notice stuff like this, but android auto relys on google servers and big G managed to break microG for a couple days and we cannot cast to our Chromecast (ever :( )
Is that related to Google bricking (and now releasing a patch) the older Chromecasts? Or is this a separate issue?
Separate. Not entirely sure how it works but another user in thread brought it up, sec…
Skarn: Actually, no. e/OS includes MicroG, so even most app requiring Google services work just fine. What really doesnt’t work is Casting videos to a Chromecast, and anything requiting Play Integrity certification like Revolut.
Thought he provided more info, but yeah. Chromecast just does not function cause its basically in google walled garden.
Actually, no. e/OS includes MicroG, so even most app requiring Google services work just fine. What really doesnt’t work is Casting videos to a Chromecast, and anything requiting Play Integrity certification like Revolut.
I am fully aware of what the fairphone I’m on is able to do. Thank you for assuming I dont have experience with what I’m talking about.
The biggest one was when play Services updated back kn December and broke maps for me, specifically on android auto.
Whether you knew better or not, I mostly wanted to provide slightly more accurate information for whoever might have been reading the thread.