They sell things that come in cups, or with napkins. Lots of people cycle/run/walk here instead of driving, seems pretty stupid.

Taking away the bins doesn’t mean you don’t produce rubbish…

Edit: I think there is still a bin IN the cafe, but most people eat/drink outside. Lots of people asking staff where the bins are. Still hypocritical I think though? (And still mildly infuriating to remove well used bins!)

    14 hours ago

    So, I agree with you, but them providing bins implies they’re going to be responsible and empty them, and people should feel free to use them. They shouldn’t have to try to predict which cans are fine to use and which ones aren’t.

    This post is them doing the correct thing if they aren’t going to do that, and it isn’t an issue. Put your trash in your pocket or your backpack or something. It isn’t hard.