Hello all! Do you recommend any eco friendly loofah alternatives, or anything really to scrub your body in the shower with. The fact that most loofahs are made from unrecyclable plastic concerns me.
Hello all! Do you recommend any eco friendly loofah alternatives, or anything really to scrub your body in the shower with. The fact that most loofahs are made from unrecyclable plastic concerns me.
A friend of mine uses dried sea cucumbers. pretty common in SE Asia I believe.
Do not use a dried sea cucumber. read thread first.
I’ma gonna need a better source for that, k !?..
2Nd link on duck duck go. https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/9586358/loofah-giant-dried-cucumber/
Have you made simple mistake on your original comment?
That source is about the use of dried luffa, a cucumber like vegetable.
You commented about
From the Wikipedia article on sea cucumbers, “they are marine animals with a leathery skin and an elongated body … found on the sea floor worldwide.”
Thus me having asked for a source.
Huh. that’s crazy. yeah. seems like I did make a mistake. not even a simple one. I need to double check my sources better.
Please accept my appologies.
So please use the dried luffa, not the poor dried sea cucumber. they didn’t harm anybody (did not verify source, it’s again what I’m assuming).