I am a huge enjoyer of fizzy beverages. I love the excitement the carbonation adds to my life!

However when I pour soda into an ice-filed cup, the carbonation never makes it past the ice. It completely removes all the carbonation. Leaving me with a flat soda.

I know americans drink all their beverages with a shitload of ice. How do you guys do this? teach me your ways!

  • Steve@communick.news
    2 days ago

    For the best results, keep both the soda and empty drinking glass in the refrigerator.

    Then start with an empty glass tipped 15-20deg toward open can or bottle of soda.
    Pour slowly onto upper inner edge of tipped glass. Stop with enough room in the glass for additional ice volume.
    Place each cube into the surface of poured soda before releasing it.

    If you’re insisting on ice first, use the other techniques but with a preloaded glass instead of empty.