Is this a satirical statement mocking the free Palestine movement or a genuinely pro Palestine slogan?
Free Palestine until Palestine Free
Without knowing, I like to look at everything with a positive light.
Perhaps it means to support Palestine until they’re not only on their feet, but can fuck up their longtime oppressors so the situation is reversed, i.e. they are the ones doing the oppressing. I’m all for liberation but idk, simple freedom sounds enough
With a bit of research, it does seem legitimately supportive, however some sources that use that phrase elaborate further, saying “Palestinians need to take back their land to win this war” and “Palestinians own that land”
They are referring to Jerusalem, of course, and that attitude is exactly why there has been bloodshed for 2,000 years.
History: Romans occupied the Holy Land, Israelites werent happy and tried to rebel but lost. The first time they were stripped of their positions in power. The second attempt resulted in their banishment from the city. The third attempt resulted in a full blown massacre. In their absence, Palestinians moved in, both Semites and Muslims, but Israelis trickled back and they both started fighting over who it belongs to. In about 150AD. It’s been a Holy War ever since.So at the end of the day it’s all the italians fault, really
“simple freedom sounds enough”
I’m not religious but even the Bible says “an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind” and until the middle east and the US understand this then the wars will continue because revenge is more important to them than rebuilding and providing a good life for yourself and your countrymen.
Maybe Palestine will be different if Israel was stopped? Idk. Here’s to wishful thinking