I’m not sure what technology I would choose, but surely it would be related to the climate change.
I want a machine that works me out while I sleep. I’m talking full body ripped (to my desired levels) all while I get my sleep for the night.
Just electrically stimulate my muscles constantly while keeping me in a deep sleep for 8 hours straight please.
I wanna wake up every morning feeling like I just left the gym after a solid full body work out.
Get the plastic out of living organisms for fuck’s sake
Easily the education system at least here in America cuz it’s dog shit. I honestly think there should be another year for high school just one more because kids are coming out of school completely unprepared for anything and I don’t just mean common sense I mean jobs entry level jobs kids can’t do because school didn’t teach them the basics
Edit: I sat down now so I want to elaborate.
I really think schools should focus more on life skills cooking, home improvement, changing your tire and brakes. Everyday stuff you’ll run into but a lot of people don’t know how to do. Just doing it once or twice gives people the confidence that they can do it and can maybe do more. That’s my two cents, that I don’t have
Reverse osmosis and water filtration technology solutions
UPDATE: Also, why not focus on stopping money going towards cryptocurrency instead of AI. Sure, AI is not the greatest for some, but cryto is a scam every day of the week
Collective human intelligence augmentation = Computer-aided collaboration = Crowd thinking.
https://www.quora.com/Who-invented-the-modern-computer-look-and-feel/answer/Harri-K-HiltunenCheap powerful graphics cards for all
room temp superconductors
Android catgirl maid robots
Moshi moshi, AI techbros? Yes, I found the next big thing
my god
Can’t decide if it should be penis enlargement or the cure for baldness… 🤔 /s
There are bald porn stars for a reason
Y por qué no los dos?
Or in other words “Male enhancement” research
I guess, although cure for baldness would also be directly beneficial for women as well
Clean nuclear energy
I would say “High Temperatur Superconductor”. If they can be made cheaply, they solve our Energy Problems in almost every way. Turbines will become more effective, Transport of Energy cheap and lossless and storage crazy effective. They will also revolitionize meassurement of magnetic fields witch will have a huge impact on medicin and other fields.
Wow, that must be the best answer yet, at least from my ignorant point of view about the feasibility. I am extremely fascinated by material science. Are there any promising lines of research for this?
Yes. Every now and then we get a paper claiming that they found a HTSC. It always is a big deal because they are considered the holy grail of solid state physics. Later we find that it’s a mistake.
We are pretty good though. Records are in the area of −135 °C (138K, -211°F) but the phenomenon was thought to be at a few Kelvin max in the last century.
The big BUT is that it’s science. Meaning that it is not granted that such a material (superconducting at ambient temperature and pressure) even exists
Finding new and unique ways to make parabolic mirrors more efficiently and inexpensively
Imagine being into generative AI when the moon is literally red as I type this. You could be looking at the Orion Nebula right now instead of staring at a screen playing charades with a soulless marionette dancing under the hands of billionaires who you’re giving a direct line straight into your brain, bypassing all critical thought
In everything that has a realistic chance to stop or reverse climate change
cure for tinnitus