It’s been pretty warm the past few days, so patches of gardens and the lawn are finally starting to emerge from the snow. That said, it’s still a little cool outside for anything but plants that require cold stratification so we’ve set up some folding tables in one of the sunnier rooms to get the more sensitive plants started.

It’s bittersweet, starting so many plants in the open - our cat Maeko, who passed away last year, was an unapologetic seedling murderer so while I love getting to start more plants it’s kind of reopened the wound. I’ll probably end up killing a few seedlings in her name.

The other new wrinkle to our early season work is Juniper, our six month old who is very interested in everything I’m doing, so we’re involving her with skills-appropriate tasks.

What’s growing on with you all?

  • 🐝bownage [they/he]
    15 days ago

    Sowed most of my herb seeds last week cause the temperatures were so high (15C+) that I figured all the February - April ones were good to go. Parsley, thyme, oregano and sage are in. Gonna do basil and Indian cress later. I’m very curious to see how they all do :)