Does anyone have any recommendations for durable gaming controllers? I’ve had multiple Xbox and pdp controllers, but all of them have stopped working correctly after a year or two. It’s ridiculous. I have one no name controller that’s really old and still works but unfortunately I don’t know what brand it it.
Assuming you’re using it on PC:
I’ve had a Logitech F310 since they came out over a decade ago. It’s the oldest controller I’ve ever had and is sturdy as fuck.
It’s not wireless, and doesn’t have rumble or anything fancy. It can, however, be switched between XInput and Direct so it works even with older games that don’t have modern controller support.
Gulikit makes controllers with hall effect joysticks that are immune to stick drift. I don’t have one of those, but I have their hall effect joysticks for the steam deck and they’re very nice.
Don’t think there’s one. The physicality involved in interacting with them means something is going to wear out. BIFL for this needs to be coupled with the expertise to repair them yourself.
The 2 conditions you would need is a controller with hall effect sticks, and has a battery you are willing to replace, as a controller battery would not last “a life”
Modifying a OEM controller with Hall sticks and using eneloops is your best bet in this situation.