Format on save is a godsend. Copy paste something with whole indentation? Ctrl-s, it’s back to normal.
Did some wacky nested anonymous function calls? Ctrl-s, and they’re laid out nicely.
I honestly almost golf my code nowadays and just let the tooling fix formatting for me. The space bar and enter key are in an ideal world vestigial for the purposes of programming.
Does Prettier count as a linter?
I always thought linters were more to find bad practice and possible errors than control the code style
Some linters can do both. Getting one set up as an automated job whenever code is pushed to the repo is on my TODO list…
That does sound nice to me too. I’ve found prettier with format on save works pretty well but that means you have to set it up in every editor
Format on save is a godsend. Copy paste something with whole indentation? Ctrl-s, it’s back to normal. Did some wacky nested anonymous function calls? Ctrl-s, and they’re laid out nicely.
I honestly almost golf my code nowadays and just let the tooling fix formatting for me. The space bar and enter key are in an ideal world vestigial for the purposes of programming.
Yep all my public repos have it on a ci job. When you have a library that is used on many different projects, I want to be able to read the prs.