If you need extra lights in summer, in daytime, on a cloudless noon, you shouldn’t be riding a vehicle. What gives you the right to blind and annoy oncoming pedestrians and drivers because of your misguided paranoia?
And typically, from my observations, the people crowing about biking being dangerous and they need safety … wear earbuds.
Sure, seal off one of your senses and then complain about safety.
We biked for decades without piercingly blinding Cree LEDs taped on our bodies 24/7.
If you need extra lights in summer, in daytime, on a cloudless noon, you shouldn’t be riding a vehicle. What gives you the right to blind and annoy oncoming pedestrians and drivers because of your misguided paranoia?
And typically, from my observations, the people crowing about biking being dangerous and they need safety … wear earbuds. Sure, seal off one of your senses and then complain about safety. We biked for decades without piercingly blinding Cree LEDs taped on our bodies 24/7.