The Liberal government in Canada just announced “The Online Harms Act”, and a leading Canadian legal scholar/lawyer and information privacy advocate, Michael Geist, says that it’s actually good legislation (for the most part).
So, there’s movement in the right direction in other jurisdictions, too.
(Then again, our Senate is currently working on a bill to require age verification for porn, which we all know won’t work and is a massive potential privacy quagmire.)
Edit: lol, autocorrect “Lobster” instead of “Liberal”.
The Liberal government in Canada just announced “The Online Harms Act”, and a leading Canadian legal scholar/lawyer and information privacy advocate, Michael Geist, says that it’s actually good legislation (for the most part).
So, there’s movement in the right direction in other jurisdictions, too.
(Then again, our Senate is currently working on a bill to require age verification for porn, which we all know won’t work and is a massive potential privacy quagmire.)
Edit: lol, autocorrect “Lobster” instead of “Liberal”.
Bro, as a person living in a state that has imposed age verification for porn, it doesn’t work. At fucking ALL. Lmao
Either websites don’t give a fuck ( or they have outright removed themselves from the state ( and all it’s sisters).
Not to mention that Twitter is practically a porn browser now.