My phone’s just bitten the dust and now I need to look for a new one again.

Thought I’d test the waters and see what kinds of phones people on here are using nowadays and what for, what features set them apart if any etc

Bonus points if anyone’s managed to get mainline linux running on them either via KVM or bare metal

    7 months ago

    I have a pixel 6 pro, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You’d think Google is capable of providing a perfect Android experience, but my old Note 9 was way less buggy.

    I’ve had lots of issues with 3rd party launchers (nova), I can’t even use the USBC with a dongle and second screen (my old Note could do this without issues). Also this is my first phone without headphone jack and SD slot, both I really miss. Just in general the software (especially in the beginning) felt really buggy with small glitches etc.

    I don’t think I’ll ever go pixel again.