What’s going to save Israel from our wrath 100,200 years down the line when West finally croaks? Does Israel think West is going to remain powerful forever? There’s precedence that proves this wrong. If Israel thinks its arsenal of nukes is going to save it, it’s wrong. Iranians will ride on Israel and genocide them. 100~200 years is a very liberal estimate, I think West’s power will reduce significantly within my lifetime (I’m 30). Or, West will just stop caring about West? Has it [Israel] considered that Westerners, especially the younger ones, will just switch sides?

Natanyahu is fucking stupid. He should become friends with Iran and leave this be. I live in Iran and I can say with certainty that the Iranian governement would prefer a bloodness solution to the Jewish Quesstion. We are not fucking Nazis. But prod us, and we WILL do another Holocaust.

  • UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Funny genocidal shitpost bro. Allow ur women to wear anything other than Darth Vader suits and then we’ll talk