My grandma just gave me her old MacBook Pro (MacBookPro11,1 A1502) and, after removing a spicy pillow, air dusting everything, and copying off her old photos, I’m ready to do a clean install.

I would like to dual-boot either Linux or BSD (which will be my main partition) alongside macOS (which will be handy for testing and for use with certain peripherals; either Mavericks, High Sierra, or Big Sur).

I am already well-versed in unix-like operating systems, so I’ll only start having trouble if I try to use a source-based distro (e.g. Gentoo, Source Mage, LFS, etc.)

Can I have some recommendations for the Linux and the macOS version, please?

  • Hellfire103@lemmy.caOP
    7 months ago

    It’s okay. I’ll probably end up switching to Arch, though.

    It works, but there are a couple of issues:

    • HiDPI is not supported by cwm, so I’ve had to do “duct tape” fixes on everything (changing .Xresources, changing GTK conf files, increasing the font size in polybar). Qt apps aren’t playing ball.
    • The WiFi card isn’t supported by any BSD, so I’m using a dongle.
    • The fan doesn’t come on as often as it does on macOS, so the MacBook can get rather hot.
    • The headphone jack supports optical jacks as well as standard 3.5mm ones. Under OpenBSD, however, the LED inside is constantly on. This isn’t a problem, but it’s not normal.
    • Polybar can’t seem to access any system information (e.g. disk usage), but I suspect that has nothing to do with the hardware.