Like most adults, I HATE my job. Every day I go into work I die inside. There is nothing rewarding about my job other than the pay check.
Still I try hard. Every day. It makes the lives of my co-workers easier. It makes my boss’s life easier. They are real people in my community and I care about how my actions affect them. Work ethic means a lot to me.
I get hating your job but half assing your job every day is awful for society.
“if you don’t like your job you don’t strike, you just go in every day and do it really half-assed”
-Homer Simpson
Strong disagree with this.
Like most adults, I HATE my job. Every day I go into work I die inside. There is nothing rewarding about my job other than the pay check.
Still I try hard. Every day. It makes the lives of my co-workers easier. It makes my boss’s life easier. They are real people in my community and I care about how my actions affect them. Work ethic means a lot to me.
I get hating your job but half assing your job every day is awful for society.
I work in government.
Understandable. If you work in like welfare departments, working harder to get people more benefits is a bigger “fuck you” to the government
Soviet era joke.
We pretend to work and the bosses pretend to pay us.
There’s a Chinese joke from my dad:
Which translare to: Whether you work or not, you still get paid ¥36 (Yuan/Renminbi) (per month)
I heard it this way.
“If you work hard, you make $36. If you work really, really hard, you can make $36. If you die, $36.”