Turn on recording device. Placate and absorb energy of each attack without reflecting it back. DO NOT BLOCK HER PUNCHES AT THE ARM AS THIS CAN BE INTERPRETED AS STRIKING HER. Keep it tight and passive. Casually back out the front door. Never come back.
Do not call the police. Do not drink alcohol. Do not fuck with her car or property. Do not seek help on social media.
Do not sit there in your truck trying to see it from her perspective. Do not blame yourself. Do not go looking for ways to make her happy. Do not be ashamed of your feelings of grief and fear.
Do contact a lawyer. Do contact TRUSTED friends (people you don’t feel on guard around). Do not think about revenge or justice. Just get away, get safe.
And next time, for god’s sake, listen when your gut starts getting a bad feeling about the situation.
Interesting that wife yelling requires fewer steps to stop
But only has one strategy to stop
Turn on recording device. Placate and absorb energy of each attack without reflecting it back. DO NOT BLOCK HER PUNCHES AT THE ARM AS THIS CAN BE INTERPRETED AS STRIKING HER. Keep it tight and passive. Casually back out the front door. Never come back.
Do not call the police. Do not drink alcohol. Do not fuck with her car or property. Do not seek help on social media.
Do not sit there in your truck trying to see it from her perspective. Do not blame yourself. Do not go looking for ways to make her happy. Do not be ashamed of your feelings of grief and fear.
Do contact a lawyer. Do contact TRUSTED friends (people you don’t feel on guard around). Do not think about revenge or justice. Just get away, get safe.
And next time, for god’s sake, listen when your gut starts getting a bad feeling about the situation.
Oh wow. Thanks I guess. Luckily I don’t have such problem yet.
I meant this as sort of a PSA springboarding off the context, not specifically directed at you.