• HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Oh, this is fun!

    • Repeal the NFA of 1934.

    • Repeal the GCA of 1968

    • Pass laws preventing states and localities from passing laws more restrictive than federal laws in regards to gun control. Overturn the post-'86 FOPA ban.

    • Place firearms under the purview of the CPSC in regards to user safety

    • Amend the constitution to remove birthright citizenship

    • Amend the constitution to grant 1st class citizenship only to people that elect to serve the gov’t where needed for a full four year term; a position might be civil or military, and is solely based on your abilities and gov’t need, but all people will be eligible to serve, and granted the opportunity to serve, even if it means that a position must be created specifically for them.

    • -People shall be permitted to leave service at any time, regardless of whether or not they have completed their term of service. People may be thrown out of service (effectively court martialed) for refusing to perform, gross negligence, etc.

    • -No people actively in service shall be permitted to vote or have any say in gov’t policy.

    • -Amend the constitution such that only people that have served shall be eligible for any elected or appointed position within the gov’t, to vote, to write model legislation, to serve as judges, etc. (The majority of the gov’t would likely be comprised of people serving in order to gain citizenship.)

    • Amend the constitution so that 2A rights will on exist for citizens (including people working as police!).

    • Amend the constitution to only allow ranked-choice voting in all elections, federal, state, and local.

    • Amend the constitution to eliminate qualified immunity.

    • Revoke the citizenship of any person found guilty of committing a violent crime (battery, sexual assault, robbery, murder). Citizenship can only be regained by re-entering gov’t service.

    ALL other civil rights will still exist for 2nd class citizens; free speech, press, religion, 5a rights, privacy, reproductive care, etc.

    • Increase marginal income tax rates to 99% on all income over 250M
    • Institute a wealth tax on all wealth controlled (not “owned”) of >$500M; for tax purposes, assets in a blind trust would still be controlled, real estate holdings controlled through a majority interest in a corporation would be considered controlled, etc.
    • Restructure corporate taxes; have a claw-back period of 25 years for companies that elect to move headquarters outside of the US.
    • Eliminate and ban all public funding for any private educational institution.
    • Eliminate property taxes as the method of funding schools; fund schools on a national level, with locality-adjusted per-student funding to ensure that all schools–regardless of location–were receiving comparable funding
    • Ban all flat and strict percentage taxes (e.g., sales taxes, VAT, etc.), or the use of fee for gov’t services; use income/wealth taxes and treasury bills only for all gov’t funding (e.g., eliminate all regressive taxes)
    • Reform criminal justice to focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment
    • Base fines on income/wealth; more wealth = higher fines (e.g., a millionaire could get a speeding ticket costing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, while a minimum wage worker would get a fine of perhaps $50 for an otherwise identical offense)
    • National single-payer health care
    • Give HUD the ability to override local zoning to place high-density housing where needed.
    • Require the IRS to confiscate assets from and shutter religious institutions that engage in direct politicking (e.g., endorsing any candidate, political issue, etc.).


    I don’t believe in gun control per se.