It is fun to think about the Simulation Theory but most discussions revolve around it being likely that we are in one.
What are some concrete reasons why it’s all science fiction and not reality?
It is fun to think about the Simulation Theory but most discussions revolve around it being likely that we are in one.
What are some concrete reasons why it’s all science fiction and not reality?
The machine running the Universe-simulation would need to be more-powerful than the Universe it was simulating, to phrase it poorly.
Fine: they have the constitutional-right to their religion, but gaslighting about being evidence-based Science, while ignoring/denying evidence, is offensive & insulting-of-integrity & insulting-of-intelligence.
Universe is its own self.
I hold that Brian Greene hit it spot-on, when he mentioned in a book, decades ago, that if 2 Universe-branes just … kept colliding, … each collision being a Big Bang, then … it’d just keep going on forever …
That fits right.
Why would it be “tuned for life”, as some say?
Bogus question: we cannot have evolved in any Universe that prohibited our kind from evolving, therefore it is undecidable/unknowABLE.
Would aware-life happening throughout a sea of worlds, in every ocean-of-phenomena/Universe that happens, in the endless stream of them, shape the endless-stream of Universes?
That may be knowable, but not to the gimmicky mixture of Scientism & ActuallyEvidenceBasedScience that our age holds-to.
It’s much more likely that one come-across actual-rocks colliding in galaxies than one come-across simulated-galaxies-with-simulated-rocks-having-simulation-colliding-in-them.
Occam’s Razor, in a sense.
No matter: ideology/prejudice addictions will never permit evidence to falsify their worldview, as I’ve been learning, so there isn’t much point in trying to reason with “believers”.
Of any kind.
And that is why chiseling my Soul/Continuum from getting caught in reincarnation is the sanest possible path.
( some decades ago, accidentally earned some Continuum-memories, of other kinds of lives, didn’t know what they were, discovered what they were, Catholicism nuked, I then adapted, my worldview changing, though that took a few years, to the new evidence. No modern religion fits the data. No ancient religion fits the data, though AwakeSoulism/Buddhism, in its most impersonal, comes closest. Ramana Maharshi, the Hindu, ended-up being the best expresser of Zen I’ve ever encountered, to the shame of all Chan & Zen Buddhism, anyways, objectivity/empiricism makes Universe surprise one, as one’s “assumptions” and “conditioning” and “belief” get nuked by random evidences.
I still “want out”, though: being perpetually-recycled in Universes, as Universes recycle ALL “contained energies”, no exemption for continuums/Souls, through “reincarnation”, … sucks. )
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