It is fun to think about the Simulation Theory but most discussions revolve around it being likely that we are in one.
What are some concrete reasons why it’s all science fiction and not reality?
It is fun to think about the Simulation Theory but most discussions revolve around it being likely that we are in one.
What are some concrete reasons why it’s all science fiction and not reality?
One of the concepts pushing back against simulation theory is, essentially, it would require infinite energy to simulate the universe.
A counter point is it only “renders” as it’s interacted with or observed. This where I like to think about simulation theory, coupled with particle behaviors like the double slit experiment.
Can you explain a bit on double slit experiment ?
Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Basically ‘stuff’ isn’t actually there till you look.
That’s not…no. Not at all.
The uncertainty principle doesn’t have anything to do with the double slit experiment.
The uncertainty principle is that you can’t know both the position and momentum of a quantum at the same time. The more you know of one the less you know of the other.
The double slit has to do with superposition and wave particle duality.
They have a similar quality of weirdness, but are entirely different principles and concepts.
And it’s worth noting almost no physicists would agree with the way you interpret it at the end. That is one way of solving Bell’s paradox, but the rejection of realism is probably only slightly more popular than the rejection of free will. Generally it’s assumed that quanta absolutely are there before interacted with or observed.
No worries. Honestly a really cool part of physics - worth looking into.
That and being able to project darkness via light ‘wave’ node points always blew my mind. Similar set up too.
Ok now you can’t go without explaining.
Needs diagrams. This looks kinda close. Works with sound, light, any waves. Basically you can get points where the waves are twice as loud and points where there is nothing
A well known physics experiment that shows light is both a particle and a wave.
If you fire a laser at a piece of paper with two slits cut in it, you would expect the laser to show up as two lines on the other side, but it ends up displaying a much more complex pattern because the photons bounce off each other like ripples in a pond.
The freaky part is if the experiment is repeated by firing only one photon at a time, it still produces the interference pattern.
The really freaky part is that if you erase the information about the interaction, it discards the discrete behavior.
That looks eerily like a memory optimization.
Sure, to be honest though, this five minute video does a good job. It’s corny but useful, skip to around 45 seconds or so if you want.