From Spain here, when we want to speak about USA people we use the term “yankee” or “gringo” rather than “american” cause our americans arent from USA, that terms are correct or mean other things?

    6 days ago

    Most americans, the majority of whom don’t live in the US

    Gonna stop you right there. The number of Americans who don’t live in in the US is tiny.

    “American” is the demonym for someone from the United States of America. You don’t have to like it, but that’s the way it’s been in the English language for hundreds of years, and getting angry about it doesn’t change linguistics, which is defined by usage.

    English speakers don’t recognise the Americas as a single continent, but as two separate continents separated by the isthmus of Panama. So it doesn’t make sense to have a single demonym to refer to everyone from those two continents.

    The arrogance of some Spanish speakers of thinking they have the right to dictate the English language is astounding. And I refuse to buy into it. I’m not coming into Spanish-speaking spaces and trying to change how they talk about things in their language.

      6 days ago

      Hi, Brazilian here.

      I’m sorry, but “the number of Americans who don’t live in the US is tiny”?? WTF?

      Hi, South ~~AMERICAN!!! here.

      the US doesn’t get to shove their so-called “democracy” up our asses, impose their monetary exchange, be proud of their stupid ass imperialism, force people to learn their dumb as fuck language and then go “yeah, it’s OUR language, you can’t dictate how we call ourselves”

      Sorry, dude, but you kinda lost the privilege to “dictate” your own language when you decided to think about the whole third world as your backyard and to name yourselves after THE WHOLE FUCKING CONTINENT.

      peace, bye!

        6 days ago

        Might want to check who you’re actually talking to here. You seem to be making some incorrect assumptions.