I hate reddit but it has communities I need. I won’t modify anything in your account
Sure just give me your credit card number for… Security purposes
After the Nazis are back?
In the time it took to write this you could have made a throwaway. It’s ten seconds.
Reddit always bans me. It even bans me as soon as I comment
First of all, your idea is insane. “Borrowing” someone’s login info? You’re either very naive, or you’re preying on the very naive. If it’s the latter, you should be ashamed. If it’s not the latter, pm me I have a bridge to sell you.
Secondly, if you’re instantly getting banned for asking questions, the probability is that the questions you’re asking are - by your purposeful doing or otherwise - offensive. And the fact that it keeps happening indicates that you don’t learn from your mistakes.
I think I can answer your health and legal questions right now:
Health: The link between vaccines and autism is weaker than your father’s wrist.
Legal: Sovereign Citizenship isn’t real.
Anything else we can do for you?
Reddit does ban if a new account immediately after signing up tries to post any post, especially if this is all being done from a VPN and using browser instead of app.
nobody likes you
if its really important then talk to a lawyer.
Care to even explain the question… if it were serious and simple I’d make the POST for you… not give you an account lol
Giving you the best benefit of the doubt, and lets say your bans were unjustified, and the reddit admin’s are power tripping. You are IP banned, any account you get, is probably also going to be auto banned from scratch as well.
can you dm me your email or telegram? i’ll send you my question and the subreddit.
thanks man
Why don’t you just dm him here? You look more and more like a scammer with each comment.
I overwrote and deleted everything except the most recent comments critical of the bullshit they pulled and then deleted the account. I know I’m not the only one here to do that.
i am disgusted by reddit but sometimes i need it.