How dare antifa hack their website. /s
They finally fixed the front page. But the “experts” page is still there lol
One month, it’s not even been one month yet. Sigh…
1 down, 47 to go 🙃
These are the people connecting unknown servers to national databases and directly modifying production systems that control… everything (funding).
This could also very easily be a honey pot 🙄 I hope y’all aren’t dumb enough to be hacking gov-adjacent databases without proper opsec
Is it hacking tho? I mean it’s open
Yes, it’s commonly prosecuted in both USA and CAN.
In USA: Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (“CFAA”)
Essentially, directly accessing and modifying any system you don’t have authority over meets the bar for legal action.
They can and will track this, being hands off or proper opsec is the only way to ensure safety.
Essentially, directly accessing and modifying any system you don’t have authority over meets the bar for legal action.
So exactly the doge traitors are doing…
Sure, with the notable exception that they (the exec branch) are also the stakeholders and enforcers of that law.
It’s perfectly legal for them to simply ignore any activity going on, or executive order investigations shut down if any check or balance gets in the way.
And as a tertiary overlap in either case, use cronies to reinforce bad policy to further objectives.
They can and will track this
Normally, 100%. The US government has strict opsec and cyber security procedures, so even if someone gets in a neglected door they better have covered their tracks well
But these are a bunch of complete newbies with no oversight. They’re not doing even the most basic compliance… They’re completely green, they don’t know what they don’t know yet. The oldest of them is a new grad, one is a high school grad. They’re also adversarial to the people who do the actual cyber security
That being said, I wouldn’t take chances
I’m of the “no risk to small” mind set as well and I’d wager when they try to investigate, the people they must ask, will simply delay answering.
Perhaps not because of ideology either, I imagine the total increase in spillover work from sudden attack surface exposure must look wildly Sisyphean right now.
Bro what makes you think titler and the lost boys are computer literate?
The CFAA isn’t computer literate either. It was made in like 1985 and the language used references express permission for dialing into computers in pre-dialup days. Courts could interpret it as everyone needing a snail mailed letter from google before you type google dot com into a browser, if the judge wanted to be that big of an asshole. Its ancient, but it is still used to throw the book at anyone using a keyboard in a way the government doesn’t like.
Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.
Jean-Paul Sartre
I apologize, but what does this have to do with the level of computer literacy of titler (elon) and his gang of young kids?
Ha ha, oh wow. Honey pot? They are threatening tariffs with our allies. All our information is going bye bye.
Yeeaaah… your information isn’t going to be what they lock up for what is literally nothing more than a silly joke.
Don’t play stupid games with an authoritarian regime.
You hacked a government system from your home connection?
It’s universally stupid, man!
Repeat after me: DOGE is not an official government agency. The senate has not voted on approving its creation.
Until such time, DOGE is nothing more than a domestic hacking group fraudulently impersonating federal authorities.I said it before, DOGE is a group of terrorists led by an foreign national.
I completely agree with you. But what are you going to do about it? Judge them? Who’s going to be the judge?
I’m starting to think that if america wants to get rid of these nazis, they are going to need to do the only thing you can do to get rid of nazis. And it’s not democratic nor polite.
You can’t vote out fascism.
Didn’t they just rename an existing agency? Nonetheless they need to be stopped.
Nope. It’s completely outside the normal government system.
Actually, they renamed a committee responsible for streamlining IT services for the executive branch. As such, they do not have any of the authority they claim.
Really, which one? This would be the first I’ve heard of it.
formerly known as the United States Digital Service
See also:
You’re right, but none of the government is treating them as such.
When am I getting the notification from the United States Government that all my data has been hacked and I get free credit monitoring?
Lol. Free. What is this, January, 19 2025?
So, please remind me again. You have this ammendmend to your constitution that allows you to “bear firearms” of any kind, even guns usually only used in wars, for the sole and explicit purpose of being able to defend against tyranny.
So that’s going down now, King Shitty Pants the first is about to take over completly as dictator supreme. What is your next move now, American people?
Bud the people you’re barking at aren’t here, and even if they were they’re probably on the King’s side. This is what they voted for and believe everything he does is a midas touch. They’re fucking idiots.
No, you see it’s only tyranny if they try to take your guns, or tread on your land, unless you invite them onto your land to look for brown people. The loss of fundamental services and privacy is perfectly okay because it’s all in the name of saving $0.10, which you can put towards that bump stock upgrade.
The 2A ammosexuals aren’t going to do anything about it cause it’s their own team doing the tyranny.