Should all posts include a thought, opinion, or summary from the OP? Is a post title usually enough?

If you appreciate posts that just a link to a video, news article, blog post, or website with no post text by the OP, why do you like them?

    7 months ago

    I don’t think anyone gets to decide what a person “Should” be doing, who are these “should-ers” that get to make these decisions?

    It’s like putting a dead cow in a museum and calling it art. SHOULD it be art just because it’s there? Or SHOULD there be some explanation or clue as to what the “artist” who put the cow there is trying to say? It’s something I’ve thought about in relation to what constitutes art, and what doesn’t.

    My point here is just that in my view, it’s helpful to have some more input rather than just a link when it’s not apparent why the link matters or might be significant.