I’ve noticed what I’d consider a substantial amount of hatred towards the British empire recently, and I’m not really sure why

The colonies we had were far better treated than most colonies of the era, or ever to be honest.

Almost every country has had empires that have treated their subjects terribly. But I’ve never seen anyone talking about the Roman, Mongolian, Persian, or Aztec empires with anything but being impressed. No one shits on the French, dutch or Spanish (who were notorisly cruel to their colonies).

The British empire was a huge part of ending the trans-atlanric slave trade. One of the first European countries to condemn it.

The British museum was set up to preserve artifacts which would have been looted or destroyed, not to mention it’s completely free to enter. Almost everything in there would have been lost (although I’ll admit the Greek stuff seems like it was probably not given)

Yet it seems we’re despised for by many people online, is it a fad?

  • Nibodhika@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    The colonies we had were far better treated than most colonies of the era, or ever to be honest.

    Have you ever heard of the famine in Ireland or India? Have you ever read what caused it? I grew up in a country that used to be a Spanish country, then spend my teens and twenties in one that was a Portuguese colony, and now I’ve been living for a few years on one that was a British colony. While Spain and Portugal were bad, only one of those countries was statved and massacred by their ruler.

    Almost every country has had empires that have treated their subjects terribly. But I’ve never seen anyone talking about the Roman, Mongolian, Persian, or Aztec empires with anything but being impressed. No one shits on the French, dutch or Spanish (who were notorisly cruel to their colonies).

    Romans, Mongolians and Persians were too long ago, Aztecs didn’t colonized any civilization with which you keep contact, French, Dutch and Spanish are shitted upon on French, Dutch and Spanish speaking places regularly. Also none of them were as bad as the English to their subjects, yes they removes a LOT of gold from them, but didn’t starved them to death or put them in concentration camps, so while there is some talk, it’s mostly in the past. Compare that with Ireland where people’s grandparents were killed fighting for their independence, because their grandparents starved to death, it’s too close for people to have forgiven and forgotten. Next you’ll want the Jews to stop speaking badly of the Nazi regime.

    The British museum was set up to preserve artifacts which would have been looted

    They were looted, by the British empire.