Is matrix good to use, seen a lot of drama around it. For example left it because of lacking of security and moderation, do you still recommended it?
Is matrix good to use, seen a lot of drama around it. For example left it because of lacking of security and moderation, do you still recommended it?
Yes and No
I consider matrix to be somewhat equivalent to XMPP or public mailing lists. It is potentially decentralized (even though everyone uses and it can host group chats. And for those purposes it is ok-ish, but for privacy it is no good.
My pet peeve with matrix is that I consider most features to be half baked. And instead of fixing them we just keep pilling up more. Here is a list in no particular order
Because of this mess your quality of experience will vary depending on the client and features you use. The web clients are usable.
I don’t really use the video/audio calls so I have no comments on that front.
This was once common, but it’s somewhat rare now in my experience, and the upcoming Matrix 2.0 apparently addresses most (all?) of the remaining causes.
I consider this a good thing, for the sake of the people who joined or wrote in the chat with the understanding that what they write is and will remain encrypted. If you want to abandon encryption, you can always create a new room.
No, there is one officially released client for android: Element. Element X is in beta. When it leaves beta, it will take over as the one officially released client.
It works well for me. How is it a problem for you? It looks just like the person-to-person chats on other platforms I use, including SMS.
Privacy of message content is not weak at all.
It’s true that some metadata can be read by admins of the servers that have been invited into a chat. Given all the features that Matrix uniquely offers, that’s an acceptable tradeoff for many of us. Also, the developers have stated that moving most of that metadata to the encrypted channel is planned.
This is just plain false.