Asking as a Romanian, I’m genuinely curious. In my almost 32 years of life, I’ve never had any experiences with police / courts and either have the people around me. Here the philosophy is you avoid the police / court system like the plague and deal with problems interpersonally. The less the government / government agencies in your life, the best. But Americans seem to be the complete opposite: “lawsuit waiting to happen”, “sue them”, “call the police”, “contact X governmental agency”, etc. these are all things I see online. I just don’t understand why you’d want all of that in your life, it’s like inviting trouble + waste of time and money.

    11 days ago

    That’s how the system is set up: It’s fucked, but often times suing is the only chance at getting any real restitution. Our protections suck, so companies can kinda do whatever and often get away with it.