There’s 200+ different viruses that cause the common cold. When you get a sore throat or runny nose you don’t consider those to be the disease, you know there is an underlying cause.
Do you think Depression is similar to that? Do you think it is a symptom of some other disease or diseases?
I am not a psychiatrist, and I think that healthcare is too serious to give I think/believe uneducated opinions.
So I would let this topic in the hands of trained professional rather than internet strangers/trolls
Did you see that movie “The Whale” starring Brendan Fraser? If not, it’s about a guy with morbid obesity who was so heavy he was disabled and could not leave his house.
Now imagine if instead of obesity someone has severe Depression and also finds it nearly impossible to leave his or her home.
Imagine that person uses the Internet to socialize and that it is that person’s only contact with others.
And you want to be a gatekeeper and an Internet nanny and quash opinions and discussion. Why?
See that link to the podcast that the guy above you posted? That might actually help someone. But you want to gatekeep and tell others what they should or should not be discussing.
The post title is not asking for medical advice. It is simply asking for opinions. Educated adults already know that opinions are not facts.
There was no point to your comment other than virtue signaling. If you don’t like the post then there are 10 million other posts you can find where you can annoy people.
The topic is flirting with the “just asking questions” crowd. Soliciting opinion on a scientific question is essentially asking for bullshit anecdotes.