What’s your most cruel prank so far?
Hi. Have you ever woken up just feeling malicious, with a mood of “Man, I just wish to ruin someone’s day for shits and giggles”? And what do you do in those situations?
I wonder, what’s the best, meanest, cruelest prank you pulled on your friends or foes so far.
You asked, I’ll answer.
Find someone who thinks they are getting promoted. Tell them they’ve got the job. That when their boss left for lunch… That the boss actually just got fired. Convince them to pack up bosses office.
Don’t do this unless you want to lose a friend
@andrewta Takes a hell of a charisma check to convince to pack up someone else’s office, I suppose. But if you did pull it off - whoa, you got a silver tongue, my friend. I hope you reconciled later.
Never did this.
@andrewta Never did what, reconcile?