Do you still have faith in the political process of your country? Ross Perot had a good thing going in the '90s, is it time to bring it back? Vote blue no matter who, but this time harder? Join the Republicans? Abandon hope? Something else?

Watching what’s happening in your country is concerning, I hope the opposition party has a plan but so far I have not seen one. Hence the question.

    25 days ago

    I have no party affiliation but since I lean more left I’ll give my 2 cents.

    Right now Trump is in the “rip everything down” part of his plan. I’m not necessarily mad at that because the current government has been shit. Total failure in almost every category.

    Later he’s going to want to put in a new government full of fascist yes-men and policies that will somehow manage to be worse than what we started with.

    During the time between these two steps, I’ll have to decide if I’m staying here or getting the fuck out.

    Trump wanting to do dumb shit and actually succeeding in doing that dumb shit are two different things. If he’s not able to implement his plans for whatever reason(s) there just may be hope yet for this country. In which case I’ll stick around.