I just need a new keyboard, this one is dying on me. I haven’t bought computer parts in the US in a long time. What am I supposed to do, BestBuy? Amazon? NewEgg? The last time I built a computer was 2018 in Asia. Idk what I’m doing but my space bar is sticking and my patience is running low. Duct Tape is holding the metal bar together right now lol and the ctrl key is giving out too
I like the keyboard without the num pad and a separate num pad that i put on the left, so i don’t have to take my hand off the mouse. 3Dconnexion
They also make mice that have very high resolution sensing and high refresh rates that are good for 3D modeling, gaming, etc.
For other stuff id look at b&h photo and newegg because fuck jeff bezos
I typically buy parts and peripherals from Amazon. Newegg can be good for the mail in rebates or discounts that you can get.
I typically don’t shop at bestbuy unless I have to but I also live 20 minutes outside of town where I am so thats 40 minutes of driving that I don’t wanna do typically.
Keychron was my last keyboard purchase, very happy with it. Full size mechanical keyboard, replaceable switches, so heavy I could probably kill someone with it, good keyboard.
Glory to Bezos and his support of the Fourth Reich?
Seriously get off Amazon.
Then post an alternative. Newegg isn’t a good choice: https://youtu.be/2fnXsmXzphI?si=H2A3652mD73uBRo5
For keyboards and some other parts you can window shop at Amazon and then go direct to the manufacturer’s website to make a purchase.
That leaves Microcenter. Which the poster above mentioned.
I agree. Newegg used to be great but not anymore. Amazon often has what you’re looking for and at the best price. Not everyone has a micro center or equivalent nearby.
I agree, post an alternative instead of just bitchin!
Eh. I order hundreds of pieces from them a year and deal with returns. Never had this issue. That being said, this kind of problem can and does happen with other online sellers as well.
Second Keychron. I own two of their keyboards. An Alice and a 65%. The Alice is a deadly weapon. The 65% is much lighter but the build quality is still great. I’m not left handed but they even have some southpaw keyboards as well. Alice is as unusual as their layout options go so if you want something exotic you would have to look elsewhere.
If you are not going to buy direct from someone like Keychron then sadly Amazon is the best due to their return policy. They have never denied me a return whether for a refund or replacement.
As the other poster linked with the Gamers Nexus video Newegg has gotten a bit shitty/shady. Not that Amazon is spotless but at least getting your money back or a working product won’t be a hassle.
If you can reach one, MicroCenter is great.
I can’t shop there often myself, I always walk out with even more Adafruit/RPi/Arduino shit I’ll never do anything with.
It depends on what you’re looking for. If size and weight aren’t a concern, Unicomp is making slightly modernized Model M keyboards in the US and you can order directly from their website.
I have a Classic and an EnduraPro, both of which work just fine and could be used as a hammer if necessary.
Best Buy
Definitely not, unless you absolutely need something same day. Their selection and prices suck, though they do price match.
My preference is:
- Direct from the manufacturer
- B&H Photo
- Newegg
- Amazon
- EBay - used, if it’s a really good deal
If the keyboard is the only problem, get a good mechanical one. As others have said, Keychron is good if you want a pretty good keyboard for a pretty good price, though there are some other decent options around $50. Be careful though, because there’s a lot of crap out there.
B&H is my online go-to, with Amazon as a backup. If you have a Micro Center near you, they are a great option as well.
For common things like monitors keyboards and mice, I go to the thrift stores around me. I typically find some decent stuff. Sounds silly but I live in a decent city for tech jobs so, lots of second hand things like that around here.
If you’re ready to take the plunge into mechanical, Keychrons are a solid way to get one that is not absurd if all you want is “one nice keyboard,” but usually has enough customizability to be satisfying if you fall down that particular rabbit hole. For a bog standard board, any of your listed options are fine, as are most of the options on pcpartpicker.com, and even dumb ol’ Walmart will have a couple of logitechs and some rebranded thing stuff no worse than your average pack-in desktop keyboard, and potentially even a couple of mildly satisfying low-end mech boards, once you turn off the godwaful RGB.
If you shop the actual electronics at Amazon, I’d recommend “sold by Amazon” or at a minimum fulfilled by them. If you do Prime, limit to Prime listings. Your includion of BestBuy implies you’re in the US, in which case I might avoid vendors that ship from China, at least until the tariff situation stabilizes.
I’m not in the US but wouldn’t it be better to find a good keyboard that you want, maybe ask a friend for a recommendation or ask here on Lemmy, and then check and see who sells it? That’s how I usually go about it
eBay for used parts.
I love my Keychron keyboards. I have one that I built and another low-profile one that I bought pre-built. I got them from their website (keychron.com) but they also sell them on Amazon.
I also built a nice Drop CTRL keyboard that I got on their website.
https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/store/ is what I’m looking a for my next keyboard. I am typing this on a Keychron which I will agree with others is a great keyboard option for somewhat cheap.
For general computer stuff B&H. Though if I knew of a local store near me I’d be sure to support them.