I know Nebula is not exactly open source, but it is pitched as a creator-controlled (or, at least a creator-centric) platform.
YouTube is my main platform of media consumption, and I would prefer to find other avenues that are not quite as monolithic.
Has anyone here tried Nebula? Is it worth it, and is there anything sketchy about it I should be aware of?
Nebula is one I’ve been interested in too, I always see creators I like advertising that they’re on there as well. If anyone knows how it compares to Curiosity Stream or other services I’d be interested to know (hope this isn’t too off topic, OP).
isn’t it always bundled with Curiosity Stream?
I actually got an email from Nebula about how that’s been discontinued
And I believe before like, 2021 it wasn’t available as a bundle but that could be incorrect
If it is that’s news to me, I thought they were two different services.
used to watch Issac Arthur religiously, guess the bundle has just been seared into my brain and they’re not doing it any more.
They’ve always been separate services, but up until about a year ago you could either get Nebula by itself, or bundled with CuriosityStream. Then theybwent their separate ways, around the same time that CuriosityStream more than doubled its yearly subscription price
There used to be a bundle with both, but that ended over a year ago.