He was going for Roman Emperor with the last one, but he neglected to consider the shape of his head. I really don’t know what haircut would look good with his strangely shaped face/head.
He is rocking that sun bed tan line(the white eyes and live over the nose), which to me makes it look like he never actually does go outside. And does seem to have a bit of an orange tinge to him as well.
It’s ok not to spend time and money on looks. No matter how much money you have. There’s no obligation to look good for anyone. The way he looks is not the problem with him.
He owns the company, he can represent it anyway he wants. If he owes anything to his employees, it’s fair wage (I have no idea how fairly or not he pays).
Imagine being worth 229 billion, and you look like that.
This realities Bond villains are so pathetic looking.
He’s no Hank Scorpio, I’ll tell you that.
Hank actually cared about his workers, too.
“Homer, when you get home, there’s gonna be another floor on your house!”
Drugs and lack of sleep does that to you.
he could at least find a better haircut than pube fro.
It’s an improvement over his last haircut. He looks like he actually goes outside sometimes now, too.
He was going for Roman Emperor with the last one, but he neglected to consider the shape of his head. I really don’t know what haircut would look good with his strangely shaped face/head.
This look feels like the opening sequences of Dazed & Confused.
He is rocking that sun bed tan line(the white eyes and live over the nose), which to me makes it look like he never actually does go outside. And does seem to have a bit of an orange tinge to him as well.
Ski goggles. https://sfstandard.com/2022/12/25/the-worlds-only-private-ski-resort-where-mark-zuckerberg-and-bill-gates-hit-the-slopes/
How far has that “democracy” sunk.
I have the same hair and it’s fucking impossible
It dries and frizzes immediately. If you don’t have time to care for it daily, it inevitably looks like this.
this isn’t some schmoe like you or me, he’s a billionaire. he can afford a daily stylist, or at least before conference calls.
It’s ok not to spend time and money on looks. No matter how much money you have. There’s no obligation to look good for anyone. The way he looks is not the problem with him.
of course it’s not “the” problem with him, we are clearly circlejerking here.
and i’d say as the founder/ceo/face of a company you do owe it to the company, including the employees, to look presentable.
He owns the company, he can represent it anyway he wants. If he owes anything to his employees, it’s fair wage (I have no idea how fairly or not he pays).
Same I just get it cut short every eight weeks. Speaking of which i’m overdue.
Drugs and sleep have no effect on cyborgs
I cyborg wouldnt be so pathetic, he is definitely a homunculus a la Full Metal Alchemist.