My TV has suddenly started to interpret voice commands as if I was speaking Russian. Users on Samsungs community forum are reporting the same issue. There are users on Reddit who are also reporting the same issue.
A quick google search shows that this is worldwide, and that it started somewhere between 3-5 days ago.
What the hell is going on, Samsung?
(I am not seeking tech support or advice, just raising awareness to what is hopefully a benign problem.)
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Shit, I came to REEEEEE in a post too. I see I’m not alone.
I’m gonna actually make a useless one though that OP will surely see after they present 👆to the thread.
I have a S95. Already on an adventure after a repair (grr) and my remote changed behaviour today. That’s all I can say though, I can’t enter system to setup, and voice isn’t setup anyway. Probably unrelated. But I was here and saw Chubbyemu so yeah.
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