For me it is always 3rd. Its almost like I’m an actor in my own dream. Few times I realize it, but then just wake up.

    9 months ago

    Both and neither?

    Hell sometimes I’m not even the focus of my dreams. It’s sometimes like watching a movie without me in it, or in a third person omniscient point of view, and sometimes it’s like watching surrealism folding in on itself without any sense of form or even reasoning.

    My dreams are all over the place, hell and sometimes my dreams will be like a continuous story or theme over multiple nights.

    I do have to say though my dreams are way more intense (and memorable) on days when I focus hard on my cardio a few hours before bed. Like yesterday where I pushed my heart rate to about 180bmp (over double (about 2.5x) my resting rate) for 30min. Absolutely insanely vivid dreams and I slept like a stone.