Free is not at no cost but rather Free as in Freedom. Production may but paid for but request or donation but it is even then still not a business product. It is not a capitalist product. Free is Freedom truly in this sense even though production may cost money in this capitalist tyrrany. Cost is, again, by choice, pursuit/desire of particularity by a nonprogrammer, or donation.
Surely Mozilla was built like that but google bought it is in a certainly assassination objective. No doubt. That’s the whole fucking point of this thread’s post and observation. Y’all fucking quick about it.
I’m not paying for firefox though…
That’s not an exception. Librewolf is.
Are you paying for Librewolf? I’m not sure what you meant to say.
He means with Firefox, you’re still the product.
But no
Selling usage data to google. Yeah. Definately.
As per Librewolf it’s not business product.
Free is not at no cost but rather Free as in Freedom. Production may but paid for but request or donation but it is even then still not a business product. It is not a capitalist product. Free is Freedom truly in this sense even though production may cost money in this capitalist tyrrany. Cost is, again, by choice, pursuit/desire of particularity by a nonprogrammer, or donation.
Surely Mozilla was built like that but google bought it is in a certainly assassination objective. No doubt. That’s the whole fucking point of this thread’s post and observation. Y’all fucking quick about it.
Eh, by default FF has a bunch of telemetry enabled. Nowhere near as bad as the others, but Librewolf has that all disabled out of the box.
Surely the telemetry only consists of stuff that they use to give back to the community? Usage data to drive innovation?
I might be naive, but that’s how I imagine it.
It’s a stupid saying popular with self righteous people.