The conversations are amazing

    2 months ago

    People are people no matter where they live, which also means you can’t trust any government anywhere. Propaganda is powerful.

    The idea of a social credit score has always been hilarious to me, like yo bros we have credit scores over here and they legitimately fuck us over since you need good credit to do alot of things like renting a place to live.

      2 months ago

      Well the social credit system had pilot cities. Apparently it failed. Also China had (apparently millions of) people banned from e.g. flying due to social misdeeds (seemingly unrelated to the social credit system)

      The social credit system like depicted in western memes was of course non sense. And e.g. America has put people on no-fly lists too.

      But comparing social credit with financial credit, wild. And yes, especially the American financial credit score is a joke and a scam and should be banned. But that comparison is just wild.

        2 months ago

        The comparison is wild because financial credit score is much worse. Imagine you are a model citizen but big corp keeps you poor so youre denied basic human needs. On the other hand you are a murderer but as long as you have the moneyz you can do whatever you want.

        Of course, social credit score can be misused to push agendas and manipulate the whole popularity if the wrong people implement it. Not trying to defend it in any way, it is a terrible idea. But financial credit score is suppression of the poor by design.

          2 months ago

          A corporate credit system that is defacto standard, is nothing short of a nightmare and an insult to a nation. Any credit system.

          A financial credit system, if controlled by the gov, could be good if done right; if done wrong, … It would be interesting to see how fucked up it would get how quickly. As I don’t know how to do it right, I am opposed. While I recognize the value of risk management that the system would try to be.

          Based on my understanding of American credit system, that system is just fucked. It doesn’t make sense. It is not working.

          A social credit system is just too vague. Any single score is too vague to express most things but “social credit” what is that? The financial credit score is at least trying to express an idea that we can understand, “how capable am I to pay back loans?”. But what does “social credit” mean? What is “social”? This vagueness makes it extremely potent to punish arbitrarily. Why is the Journalist banned from flying? Bad credit? For what? He paid his taxes late? He lost a law suit for defamations? Trespassing? Harassing a politician? Not sorting the trash correctly? It is practically impossible to prove good social behavior or bad social behavior. Or intentional abuse of the system. A financial credit score could make sense and could be evidenced (the current system is just really bad)

          In short, I think the social credit has more dangerous than even the worst financial credit systems. Just think about this, if you can’t take the train to a different Chinese city, Source, then why would a bank trust you with a loan? Why would an employer hire you? Wouldn’t it keep you poor?

          Just to be clear, I am speaking hypothetically while referring to real life to highlight my point. I am not saying, china use social credit systems to keep people poor. I am saying, I think social credit systems are far worse because it keeps you poor and so much more while being much more vague.

          Also, in ,at least some, countries in Europe there is a credit system for driving, if you speed, you lose/gain points and if you lost all or gained too many, you loose your license. That is an example for a good and clear credit system and even that has some issues. Mainly, if I am driving 6km/h too fast, I might lose a point, and if someone drives 60km/h too fast, they might only lose 8 point. But is 8 times driving 6km/h as bad as 1 time 60km/h? Have fun, fighting over that…

            2 months ago

            A corporate credit system that is defacto standard, is nothing short of a nightmare and an insult to a nation. Any credit system.

            Lol even most western countries have this, it’s called regulation and prosecuting financial corruption.

            The US used to do it back in the 1950s too, but now it’s considered authoritarian. Finance-capital just pretty much hand-picks the politicians nowadays, for example, citibank hand-picked Obama’s cabinet.

          2 months ago

          Most people on lemmy should be more afraid of a social credit system. Get arrested at food not bombs? That’s a penalty. Get raided at a gay bar? That’s a ding. Protest against deng? Ding. (Couldn’t help myself).

          Financial credit score is more of a “we don’t give half a fuck what you do so long as you’re good with money”