The conversations are amazing
Remember that “Grapes of Wrath” completely backfired as a propaganda piece because Russians were amazed that poor Americans could still afford cars
Wait, China’s not a dystopian nightmare?
Truth: the strongest propaganda.
Time can’t eat away, nor can we be led astray, we’ll still remember that day, from Beijing to Taipei…
Stop circlejerking the CCP assholes. While the US system is not great, it’s better than one party totalitarian dictatorship.
Few things blew my mind even though I’ve been a big fan of Chinese economic and political policy for a while
They actually really like Soviet Culture, the marching soldiers and flags etc. Soviet rock like Kino and the like is very popular!
They’re casually Marxist, its not something they have to fight to learn about so socialism is a casual existence for them. I figured the youth would be “too cool or hip” but doesn’t seem to be the case
They’re very similar as gamers, they really like shooters like battlefield and cs go. I assume their MMOs are different but I’m asking about that
It truly is a massive cultural exchange the likes of which have never been seen before. I’m trying to find out if they grew up on the same games, Morrowind Deus Ex Thief Ultima Online D&D etc
I’m sorry you haven’t paid off 900 in 5 years? That’s kinda on you at that point.
There’s a bunch of Chinese posts asking if the stuff about school shootings, fires, homelessness are exaggerated propaganda only to be told otherwise. It’s both hilarious and sad.
People of the US and China are both unsure of what to believe about the other, because both are so propagandized lol
Who told you that the people of China are propagandized, especially to hate other countries and peoples as much as the US does?
Woah I never recognized your username in the wild before. Thanks for giving us Lemmy. Huge fan.
Their access to news is controlled and for some topics all available news is what we’d call propaganda. Particularly anything about Japan or the Taiwan issue. Most people I know there realize this to an extent but without any other information do still believe the core idea even if skeptical of details.
But at the same time I’d argue there’s no such thing as a population that’s not propagandized. In the US the big news corporations only will present views favorable to their profitability and continued growth. Sure they disagree with eachother, but it’s still always a pro-business view. State news from Russia is (I’d argue rightly) not available on many US platforms to discourage it’s influence for example.
Friends of mine who have moved away from China. Some of them had police at their door in China for social media posts that were friendly to Uighurs (not even anything to do with the genocide, just general friendliness as a “we’re all Chinese” kind of message). Being taken to police stations for even slightly questioning the state narrative is terrifying.
There is definitely more direct censorship of domestic events in China than in the US. For instance, in the US it is widely publicised that the government separates children from adults at the border. Ask Chinese about the Uyghur work camps and they won’t know.
I’m reminded of that ex Soviet joke about how they always knew the government was lying about their own countries but were shocked to learn it was telling the truth about america
School shootings is something uniquely american. Even México doesn’t have them and we have a decent amount of narcojuniors (rich sons of drug dealers) that would have plenty access to guns, the only time i remember a school shooting happening it was in a private school in Monterrey like 7 years ago, which is pretty much the most americanized part of México.
What a moronic, ignorant post.
This place really shilling for ccp? That disappointing
China propaganda machine goes brrrr
The way people really suddenly think oh yeah China is just a good country like a European democracy where you can live well is flabbergasting. Of course a dictatorship with massive censorship and suppression of minorities has mostly positive comments.
And of course, many people that aren’t part of a harassed minority or politically active against the rulers aren’t saying horrible stuff against them (which wouldn’t be seen anyway).
I spent $82 USD on cold, flu and bronchitis treatment last year!
The fact that this is considered expensive there made me do a choking double take in the same way as learning that an actual mansion in the 70s used to cost like 20 grand.
Everyone’s pals until you mention Pooh Bear…