Like, you just look weird if you sitting by yourself (example: waiting at a bus stop) and just stairing into space, so like its basically social expectation to be on your phone when you are by yourself.

Plus, just feels like if you don’t have a phone on you, you are missing a lot of information (access to the internet, maps, etc.) that you might need in case you get lost or something.

  • Like the
    2 months ago

    Yeah but only because I have literally no personality and will stare blankly in space (and 9 times out of 10, in the direction of some random person) and I’m only worried about not blending in enough without starting stupid fights. I wasn’t listening to your stupid conversation, I was completely zoned out but okay. It was probably a really stupid conversation about stupid marijuana products and brand names and “attractive” men who look like personified dead rats or something stupid I wasn’t even interested in.