For the most part I’ve been optimistic when it comes to the future of AI, in the sense that I convinced myself that this was something we could learn to manage over time, but every single time I hop online to platforms besides fediverse-adjacent ones, I just get more and more depressed.

I have stopped using major platforms and I don’t contribute to them anymore, but as far as I’ve heard no publically accessible data - even in the fediverse - is safe. Is that really true? And is there no way to take measures that isn’t just waiting for companies to decide to put people, morals and the environment over profit?

    2 months ago

    I think the only two stable states for data are either that it’s private and under your direct control (and in the long run deleted), or it’s fully public (and in the long run accessible by non-proprietary AIs). Any attempt to delegate control to third parties creates an incentive for them to sell it for proprietary AI training.