Alcoholism is a serious thing, don’t go flagrantly casting aspersions in ignorance. Enjoyment and passion for something doesn’t necessarily equate to addiction. Seriously touch grass my friend.
Internet addiction is a serious thing, don’t go flagrantly casting aspersions in ignorance. Enjoyment and passion for something doesn’t necessarily equate to addiction. Seriously touch grass my friend.
Alcoholism is a serious thing, don’t go flagrantly casting aspersions in ignorance. Enjoyment and passion for something doesn’t necessarily equate to addiction. Seriously touch grass my friend.
Internet addiction is a serious thing, don’t go flagrantly casting aspersions in ignorance. Enjoyment and passion for something doesn’t necessarily equate to addiction. Seriously touch grass my friend.
oh shit unironically a decent point but to be fair alcoholism is way more fun than an internet addiction so its kind of an apples to oranges situation