Not mine, but feel it’s the proper type of thing to be shared.

    8 months ago

    That’s pretty unlikely unless he’s doing a big pivot in his branding, he quite literally has said the US should team up with Russia to fight/oppose China.

    Carlson’s dissenting line on Ukraine policy has to be understood in light of his obsession with fighting China. As he outlined back in 2019, his dim view of Washington’s Russia strategy came from the fact that he viewed China, not Russia, as “our main enemy,” and that “the United States ought to be in a relationship with Russia aligned against China to the extent that we can.”

    He reiterated this point three years later: because “China is the preeminent threat to the United States,” and because it’s impossible “to engage meaningfully simultaneously in Europe and in Asia,” the US focus on Ukraine only “detracts from our attention to China,” while at the same time pushing Moscow “into an alliance of convenience of necessity with the Chinese government.”